Our team included: our CRSSM partner Steve Hertzog, our Tico liaison Eric Lopez, our daughter Kylie and her husband Eric, our friend and ministry partner Annie Kilroy, our hard-working interpreters Amy Huerta, Noe Calderon and a new Tica associate, Catalina.
The conference began with a call to the pastors to embrace their identity as sons and daughters of the King. We brought training on supernatural ministry (healing, deliverance and prophecy), issued a challenge to cultivate a greater corporate intimacy with Jesus, and concluded with an exhortation for leaders to become spiritual mothers and fathers, so that sons and daughters can be raised up into their destinies. We also provided “prophetic appointments” — sessions during the teaching breaks where members of our team gave prophetic words to each church. The testimonies from these times were breathtaking! One of the conference highlights came at the very end as we prayed over the chef and his assistant, both of whom received the Lord and were filled with the Holy Spirit!
Before leaving San Jose, we ministered at a church led by one of the pastors who attended the conference. It was a new connection for CRSSM, and we were blown away by the joy and power of the Holy Spirit which flowed through this band of believers at Embajadores del Reino (Ambassadors of the Kingdom). We followshipped late into the night as the pastor and his wife shared their personal testimonies — radical stories of salvation and deliverance. We came away grateful for this new friendship and impressed by the tremendous influence conveyed on this young couple for both their region and their nation. Please pray for a spiritual mother/father who can disciple, encourage and empower pastor Manuel Calderon and his wife to run wholeheartedly after the calling on their lives!
We are still receiving reports and testimonies from conference attendees. Yesterday, we heard from a Pastora in Guanacaste saying the Lord used the conference to convict her that she has been doing church the wrong way, and that she is now completely starting over with the primary goals of intimacy with Jesus and promoting the next generation. We’ve also heard from dozens of attendees asking us to increase the frequency of these events. We are considering July 2020 for our next conference and would greatly appreciate your prayers as we seek the Lord’s heart on this.