March 8
Last night ministered to youth church of about 50. Great Costa Rican worship followed by Mammoth team leading worship. Short message and a couple of testimonies followed by prophetic words, words of knowledge and prayer time. Guess who came to the party in power… Holy Spirit changed lives forevermore. Mammoth Team is awesome, full of kingdom life and pouring into all. This morning we will minister to the whole body and we are expecting miracles and life more abundant. More confirmation, we are walking, running, and surfing the waves of Jesus’ plan of blowing Costa Rica wide open with His manifest presence. What a privalege that Jesus has trusted us to be part of this. Feeling encouraged, loved and full of His Presence.
March 9
Amazing time here yesterday as team poured into the whole body of church in Ciudad Neilly. Holy Spirit blew things up — we saw backs, legs and hearing healed. Prophetic words which pastors described “pointedly accurate” and “life changing.” Ministered to Pastors, elders, and most of the body with Holy Spirit changing bodies, souls, and spirits. Wow wow wow! Pastors are testifying and we can see they are feeling full of a fresh wind of encouragement and renewal.
Followed up in the afternoon with youth leaders on taking it outside the church, then off to the park to put it into practice! Long day of Holy Spirit fun.
March 11
Had a word yesterday morning that it would be a day of healing breakthrough. Acts 4:29-32. Heard that right! We saw eyesight restored in 1 eye, as well as legs, backs, shoulders and hips fully healed. And life changing words poured over many. Got back here after midnight as Holy Spirit just kept pouring out.
We’ve seen breakthrough now in the team as Jesus uses them in the prophetic and healing in ways they had not experienced before.
March 12
With Mammoth Team we have seen Jesus’ healing touch fall. We have seen eyes opened and cleared, a man’s knee fully healed who was scheduled for surgery, as well as backs, shoulders, hips, arms and legs healed. We had the privalege of sharing Christ in a public high school. Tomorrow we are the 1st team ever to have access inside a local hospital! (please pray for all to be healed). We will be poring out Gods love in 4 more churches and loving on people at the border. Thank You JESUS. Wow, HE is good!
March 17
Holy Spirit is on such a move down here. Peaceful, powerful, momentum. What is really apparent is even the kids with limited experience of hearing and doing were blown away by how they heard and were used by Holy Spirit in this environment. Everyone is hungry and thirsty for more! Now don’t worry, we have had lots of time to recreate (SURF), pray, worship, and enjoy beautiful Costa Rica.
Christian Alliance Network for Outreach and Pastoral Impact